Monday, February 7, 2011

The day started as usual, with feeding and milking.  Our nutritionist Vicky came and checked us out.  Most of the dry cows passed inspection with the exception of one that is too thin so we will need to give her some corn.  The cows and heifers that have freshened according to the rules are doing great.  The two that are struggling look really thin and tough but show signs that they are gaining.  A tough start means less milk so less income for us.  It's simple math.  We need to get our heifers bred...they are big's time! We sold 2 cull cows again today.  We need to get stalls sanitized and ready so we can get the 10 heifers up into the dairy barn that are due in April. Lots to do.  Bruce again pointed out only 2 months til grass : )

Believe it or not, Bruce found more snow to move.  This time he needs to get into the haymow above the dairy barn and also in the haymow at our other buildings so the 3 ft drifts had to go.  Last fall we were blessed with some gorgeous weather that allowed us not only to make corn fodder stacks, but also chop our's and Ed's chopper boxes full.  We then back a chopper box in upstairs and run the unloading system with an electric motor.  The bedding drops through a hole in the floor of the mow into a cart below and we use it to bed the cows. We also have chopped barley straw in a mow but we like the corn's much less dusty than the straw, not to mention more user friendly to get down to use.  Our chopper boxes are stored in the other barn until they are needed so hopefully tomorrow he can switch an empty one for a full one

This morning, when Bruce was feeding the calves their TMR, some of it fell out of the cart in front of the sick cow.  To our surprise she loved it!  The only real difference is the haylage comes out of the silage bag and its currently grass cuttings from our pasture.  We made sure both special needs cows got plenty tonight.  Whatever makes them happy enough to eat gets them going.    Another discovery tonight is the latest goat trick.  They are big enough that they can jump from the ground and land on their moms back while she is standing.  This creates a whole new playground, especially when you can jump off the pails too : )  Do they do it when I have a camera.....NO  : (

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