Friday, February 25, 2011

Great End Of The Week : )

Today we continued the hoof trimming project.  During the waiting time Bruce removed a stall mattress that needs to be replaced.  We moved 2 calves out into the hutches.  I continued to wash pipeline and by the end of the day had the whole thing done!  I have to make honorable mention for Dr's. Karna, Steve, Anne Marie and of course Ibuprofen for making it all possible!!!  One project Bruce worked on was the electric feed cart.  One of the connections wasn't working correctly so all 3 speeds weren't working.  Normally he would have picked the feed cart up with the skid steer and pallet forks but the doors are frozen shut yet and he couldn't get through the steer yard.  He spent the afternoon laying on the feed alley and working under it with his head lamp on, alternating with moving cattle around for Jared.  He is glad to have that project off the "to do" list.

Before trimming

After trimming.  It doesn't look pretty but now she will walk straight.

A couple of the things Bruce did yesterday, after cleaning where the goats have been living, was make a pail holder out of scrap metal strap and also bringing in a barrel bottom for a feeder.  We knew they were wasting feed but we also now realize that they weren't really drinking as much water as we thought.  The little ones don't quite get the concept of what the barrel is entirely for.

While we were working inside, Ed managed to haul 8 loads of manure out of the steer yard.  That's the last big cleaning project left but much of it is frozen yet.  We were glad he cleaned what he could.  Anything done now makes spring planting go more smoothly.

Tonight we had everything current.  Pipeline clean and marked. Culture and drug results done.  Cows where they belong.  Calves where they belong.  It's been a LONG chaotic month.  We still have 6 dry cows in two groups.  The bulk tank weights are going UP for a change!  We are going to like getting back to a more normal routine.

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