Thursday, February 10, 2011

Running out of snow to move

This is the snow that Bruce pulled out from around where the hutches should be.  The hutches are about 4 ft. high so the piles were pretty impressive. When he started blowing, the tractor was not running right so he had to put on his mechanics hat.  He found a loose connection on one of the injectors and with just a little tightening it was fine.  He then continued to blow all of the snow across the road and into the pasture. Tonight you wouldn't know it was ever there. The blower tractor wasn't the only thing causing trouble today.  When its cold the skid steer seat belt will build up moisture and freezes.  You have to have the seatbelt secure before it will start so today Bruce ended up using a blow dryer to dry out the latch three times so it would make the correct electrical connection and start.  Sometimes procrastination pays off.  If we had gotten all the hutches in place and bedded in anticipation of the calves that are due we would have a huge mess with alot of shoveling involved. This way it was once again a skid steer, snow blower and done : )  Unless we need to clear an area to pile manure in the fields we may actually be finished cleaning up the snow from last weeks storm.  Yipee!

This morning during milking the vet that treated #28 the first time stopped in.  He had called to check on her and he and Bruce were playing phone tag so he just stopped in when he was going by.  Since she had a retained placenta he recommended antibiotics for her but she is looking brighter and eating.  As long as he was here we had him look at the cow that was struggling after having twins.  She is actually looking much brighter today than she had been but isn't eating like we think she should.  At this point she doesn't have DA and although he can hear a faint "ping" he feels her gut is full enough she should be fine.  So far, as poorly as they have been doing, we have still gotten lucky.

Today Bruce let the silo unloader at Ed's down a door again.  It was windy but blowing  from the right direction so the barn blocked the wind from causing a problem, letting them fill the feedbox  for the heifers.

No fresh cows today but the udders are getting more full so its just a matter of time.  We are supposed to have plans tomorrow night so I have my fingers crossed that they will all wait until Saturday to do anything.  Cows do not have a reputation for being cooperative.  We will see....

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