Thursday, January 20, 2011


Yesterday was a quiet day.  After morning milking and calves it was a bookkeeping day for me and then milking etc again.  Bruce actually had a bit of  "free time" and fixed a drinking cup that had been leaking.  He also managed to do some internet searches for things he is looking for.  Feeding was done early and we were done milking by 9!!!  The weather forecast the next few days is cold and windy so after breakfast Bruce again filled the feed box....or tried to anyway.  The augers in the unloader are worn and the haylage is long so the unloader just doesn't throw the feed out like it should.  Before he had the first pile on he had to go up and unplug the top where it gets hung up.  He called and had me come over to watch the unloader and let it down while he stayed up on top.  It wasn't long before the wind started blowing.  The unloader continued to give him grief.  He had to climb down every time the feedbox needed moving because it was in a tight spot and hooked to the skid steer...having me move it would probably just create more work repairing what I destroyed!  For awhile he stood on the load to block the wind a bit and eventually called it good.  It wasn't nearly as full as he usually does it but there was enough in it to last a couple days, enough to get past this really cold weather anyway.  After all that he got a stack and bedded the building below.  Its getting really deep since we haven't had a thaw since Christmas when we were gone and unable to clean anything.  The cattle always enjoy the cornstalk bedding, sometimes as much to eat as lay on.  Its -4 and supposed to be windy over night so they will enjoy using it. We got our check for the 4 steers we sold today.  I don't believe we have ever gotten a higher price, which is nice since this is the start of our expensive time of year.  Still no check for the heifer who couldn't handle the stanchion.  We are wondering if there was more wrong than meets the eye since she also had a stillborn calf.  Tonight we were also done milking by 9.  It helps that all the cultures are now back so we can just milk straight up the row.  No new staph aureus : )   This morning while we were milking the goat kids were hilarious.  I didn't have my camera but we did manage to get video pictures yesterday.  With the help of a friend, hopefully they will be attached......

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