Friday, January 28, 2011

Taking a REAL break!

Once again it was a quiet day for the most part.  Feeding, milking, feeding, feeding, feeding, milking, feeding.  We are actually going to take part of a day off tomorrow complete with having someone else feed cows and milk tomorrow night.  In order to do that and make it as simple as possible Bruce spent the day manipulating feeding.  Generally the dry cows get fed at night but got a half batch tonight so Bruce can feed them enough in the morning to make it to Sunday.  He and Ed filled the feed box and bunk so they are good beyond tomorrow. The steers also got 1 1/2 batches of feed today. This is something we can get away with the cold of winter but in summer the feed would heat and start smelling and tasting funny pretty quickly.  The simple math for getting away is do half of tomorrows work today and the other half the next day we are back.  The plan is to milk and feed in the morning and then go visit our son.  He is only 1hr 40 min away but we haven't managed to get that direction since last April.  With all the calves due we figured we better hurry up and get out of here while its relatively quiet.  Bruce hasn't missed a milking since 12/28.  I think I am more excited than he is : )

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