Thursday, January 27, 2011

Not much news....must add pictures : )

Cows eating their TMR.

Milking.  The milk goes up the hoses and into the milk house through stainless steel pipes

Just hanging out relaxing : )

The milk comes into this jar and is then pumped through the pipe into the bulk tank where it cools to 38 degrees.
Feed, milk, feed, milk, done.  That was pretty much the day. The cow that had the new twins hasn't cleaned entirely (hasn't expelled all of the placenta) and is running a slight temp so tonight Bruce is treating her with antibiotics.  Its good timing since her milk is still being kept out of the tank anyway.  As I type these it seems like we have used a bunch of antibiotics lately.  It has been months since we used any so its just a strange streak going on currently.  Twins and winter create their own struggles.

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