Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Swimming for New Years ; (

Dec 31, 2010-Saturday
We've had people mention a few times that we should start a blog about the daily life on a dairy farm.  The challenge for us will be remembering that what is routine to us may actually be interesting to others.  My husband is the 5th generation to operate this farm which started in 1881.  We have a traditional 70 cow stanchion barn where we milk.  We do rotational grazing in summer, more of which can be covered as the year goes on.  In the meantime, Bruce says "less than 4 months til grass".  Makes the winter seem shorter already.  Bruce spent today scraping and piling the cattle yards which had turned more into lakes than a place for cattle with the warm weather and rain.  He piled it for a couple reasons, the days are just not long enough to get everything done and with the warmth the fields are muddy and the water is running everywhere.  He also hauled home corn fodder stacks to cover them, hopefully to keep them from freezing, until he gets a chance to haul.  We have late Christmas plans tomorrow but temperatures heading for 0 over the next few nights.

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