Sunday, January 9, 2011


Since it was Sunday, the initial plan for the day was to actually do some projects in the house during the afternoon.  First the feed box needed to be filled out of the silo at Ed's since it was really still out today.  We live on a hill and the wind is always blowing.  At times getting feed in the box instead of it blowing to the neighbors can be a trick.  Perfect day to get it done.  Bruce took the skid steer, hooked onto the feed box, the dog hopped in front and off they went.  The trouble with the plan is the silage is really hard and frozen this time of year so, in this case, it took 2 hours to fill it!  The dog was along to herd the cattle behind the gate so Bruce could back in where he needed to be.  After that he was free to snoop through the buildings and disturb every cat he could find.  Good day for the dog : )  Good day for the farmer, not counting the fact that it took so darned long.  Not such a restful day for the cats!

There was a new calf this morning.  Thankfully it was a bull.  I say this because his mom has the worst attitude of any animal on the place.  No bad attitude passed on to future milking generations : )  More milk in the tank soon : )

The goat kid with pneumonia is still breathing hard but has been nursing today so we are hoping she is on the mend.  Time will tell.  You never know when they are that small. This morning Bruce's dad was laughing at the families in the pen.  One of the kids crossed the imaginary line and a doe grabbed it by the tail and threw it in the air!  Needless to say the kid wasn't impressed!   In order to make room for the bull calf we had to shuffle goats.  We took one family down to the building and introduced the kids to the "cooker".  As usual there was a bunch of head banging amongst the does.  We moved the doe with the adopted triplet in with the other family.  We had worried that the kid wasn't getting enough to eat but tonight, in her large new accommodations, she spent the time practicing her prancing, hopping and spinning.  All we could do was laugh!  Bruce fed the goats tonight and all the kids were in where they should be.  We walked into the house at 10 again.

Tomorrow is Monday, the beginning of the "work" week.  LOL

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