Tuesday, November 1, 2011

New Heifers?

Bruce had an appointment this morning so there was a bit more rush getting the morning chores done.  Vicky came today to check the cows and discuss feed rations.  Bruce had sent in some feed samples and she had emailed a new ration mix yesterday. We discussed our protein costs but weren't able to get her accurate information today because the mill that had actually delivered protein today had computer problems and couldn't print an invoice for us.  Our herd, as an average, have been fresh quite awhile so there was discussion whether to leave the urea in the mix or take it out.  Urea is a very concentrated source of protein but there is a limited amount you can add to a mix.  It was decided to leave the urea in for the protein savings it provides.  We are considering purchasing 5 bred heifers from a retiring farmer.  Cull cow prices are good now so we could sell some of our problem cows and replace them with new heifers.  Adding a few new heifers would also increase our milk at a time when the cows are heading for dry off.  It would also add to the work load since I would have more calves to feed.  I am currently feeding one and liking that.  Oh well.....

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