Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Catching Up Cattle

Yesterday was a slightly rainy, dreary 40 degree day.  We decided to leave the cows in the barn in order to make a trip to town but by the time Bruce got feeding done we decided to stay home.  It was a good day to do things in the house.  Other than feeding, which seems to take most of the day these days, and milking, we had our version of a whole day off. 

Today was a cloudy day.  The cows went out into the yard today and are learning to come in without too many problems.  Bruce spent the day dehorning and also banding (castrating) the steers.  I used to do them when they were weaned but studies say that the steers will grow faster if you take advantage of the natural hormones longer.  Since we don't use anything to promote growth we are trying this system for now.  The first group we banded later will be finished and ready to sell about the first of the year.  We will then know how it works for sure.  Joe came and helped milk tonight so I was able to do things in the house.  I have to say, it is nice to have the extra help.

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