Thursday, November 10, 2011

Looks Like Winter

We have what looks like winter here with about 5 inches of heavy snow.  Around the county there were lots of power outages but ours only blinked a few times. The snow did manage to tear the wire for the yard light off our house so now if we want an outside light we have to go to one of the other buildings to turn it on and off. Tonight we still have some branches on the trees, that we generally can walk under, nearly touching the ground. It froze over night so walking around was interesting.  Nothing got plowed so there were solid ridges of snow between tire tracks etc.  and it seemed like the perfect senario to sprain an ankle! Bruce and I both had places to be in town for part of the day and then it was back to the routine.  The first thing Bruce had to do was get the last group of heifers off pasture.  A tree branch had torn off the wire to the fencer so not only were the heifers finding grass under the snow, they were doing it on the honor system.  So far they had stayed in the general pasture but were already out of the area where they were supposed to be.  They got brought down through the pasture and across the driveway with the help of Mike as usual.  Mike had an adventure of his own on the way there.  When he rides on anything he stands so close to the front that his toes hang over the edge.  Today he was on the tractor and Bruce tried to get him to move back but he kept moving forward.  When Bruce got to the field he purposely slammed on the brakes, and instead of just falling off Mike lunged himself so he actually cleared the front tire.  Bruce laughed at him, he hopped back on, and from then on he sat back where Bruce wanted him to.  Less on learned!

Ed has been getting the load of corn silage for us every day so that speeds feeding up a bit.  With the new corn feeding through our system better Bruce is again using the hammer mill for the milking cows corn.  It was funny watching them the first day, especially the ones that like to sort their feed, looking for the corn.  Everyone needed feeding today so I started milking myself and was nearly done by the time Bruce was done mixing and feeding.  The good news is we got in at a reasonable hour tonight!

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