Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Freshening Fun

We enjoyed our "quiet time" for as long as it lasted.  Heifer #5 freshened yesterday.   I have been milking the cows while Bruce finishes feeding and then he milks the fresh heifers one by one.  At this point they are still unpredictable and until we have their milk culture results back we disinfect the milkers in bleach water between animals.  We had a vet call yesterday for the first of the heifers that freshened and the diagnosis was a DA and surgery.  While Dr. Ashley was here we discussed the suspected pneumonia cases we have been treating.  In hind site we should have vaccinated both our cows and the purchased heifers before we mixed them, as we suspect that is why we suddenly have this bug.  She recomended boosting their immunity with a vaccine that is sprayed into their noses, 1cc in each nostril.  I have to say that shots would have been much easier but Bruce managed to treat everyone, mixing the vaccine in his multi dose syringe and setting it for the correct dose.  I helped by switching the canula between animals so we didn't cross contaminate between animals.  Cows do not volunteer to let us treat them so I am glad Bruce didn't get hurt.  When a 1500# cow throws her head around its easy to get hurt. 

Yesterday we also discussed the pneumonia in the steers in the lower building and Dr. Ashley confirmed that this falls weather has been incredibly tough on animals.  She was sincerely concerned about the weather coming the end of the week since we have 60 degrees in the forecast.  Icy rain and snow and then 60 degrees in a couple weeks time is just too much change.

Bruce and Ed continued to combine yesterday and we are now down to 7 acres.  Before they started Bruce climbed the silo to check on how much space we had left and we were within 3 rings of full.  I am hoping it won't fit and we can sell some!  They decided to let the corn wait for now and concentrate on making corn fodder bedding.  Ed  used the stalk shredder to shred down the corn fields today.  He had a bearing go out so the shredder is now in the shop but should be working by tomorrow.  Bruce is currently fixing the rake that had a bearing go out earlier this summer.  It wore a big hole in the metal that required the rake to be taken apart and a steel patch welded in place.  It is now ready to be re drilled.  He will have to take it to a local machine shop tomorrow to have it drilled since we don't own a drill bit the correct size.

We got the results of the last pregnancy tests we sent in and 5 out of 6 are pregnant.  We were pretty sure that one was open but wanted to make sure before we added her to the cull list.

Tonights milking seemed to go a little quicker, or we are just used to this new version of routine.  We were supposed to test milk tonight but cancelled because we treated all the cows today.  Tonight Bruce has another one that is sick.  Hopefully we will be through this soon.

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