Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Third Crop Begins

We woke up this morning to heat and humidity and we thought "here we go again!"  By early afternoon a front came through and the humidity dropped and the wind blew and it was beautiful out again!  Ed started cutting hay today.  It is normal to rake many windrows together to speed up chopping so that will start tomorrow.  Bruce fed the steers grain and also dewormed them with a pour on product that is absorbed through the skin.  This also takes care of lice and flies and a few other things that can make the cattle miserable.  The heifers will also be dewormed when he gets a chance since they have not been treated since early spring.  We tested milk tonight.  I had not reported our breedings or pregnancies for awhile so we worked on that while Bruce milked the special needs cow.  Our last fresh cow has had trouble with blood in her milk so she will continue to have her milk kept out of the tank until it clears up.  She is a big cow with a big udder and extra swelling which doesn't seem to be improving like we would expect.  Another cow not reading the manual.....

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