Thursday, August 18, 2011

; )

We had storms move through over night.  They didn't last long, or at least it didn't seem like they were around long.  We woke up this morning to realize we had gotten 7/10 inch of rain! With the last rain we can already see the alfalfa has grown and the pastures are coming back.  This rain helps guarantee corn, pasture and a 3rd crop of alfalfa.

Bruce had an early therapy appointment so I finished milking the last dozen cows and then did all the milkhouse stuff Bruce usually does.  We have such a routine of what we each cover that it becomes interesting finishing up.  I generally feed calves while Bruce finishes milking and I also put the soaps in the jars for the pipeline washer.  He generally puts all the milkers in the sink, flushes the milk through and then takes the pipe out of the tank.  There is a strainer that is removed, a hose attached and the milkers are then ready to wash.  While he is doing that the dog and I are getting cows out of the barn into the yard.  By the time we are done with that he is out by the road putting them across into the pasture. While he follows them out and closes the fence I take the electric wire off around the bunk that protects the steer feed from the cows and then I let the steers out and turn the lights and fans off.  I managed to get that all done but it surely is a different thought process when you cover it all yourself.   Other than milking and a repeat of the above there wasn't much more done than feeding.  During the winter Bruce can feed the calves and steers for a couple days.  In summer the feed spoils much faster in the heat so he has to feed everyone every day.  Some days, when he has cattle to move to new paddocks in addition to the TMR mixing the feeding job seems endless.

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