Sunday, August 21, 2011


We are continuing to enjoy summer weather. We had another couple tenths of rain over night which we were excited to receive.  As of late the days are pretty routine.  The cows get fed and milked and the heifers and steers get their usual TMR.  Today the pasture animals all got moved to new grass, along with the feeders that go with them for their grain.  It is no secret that steers are not known for their intellect and have all day to see what kind of trouble they can cause.  Bruce has portable feed troughs to feed grain in.  He has used them with heifers for years but this is the first group of steers on pasture, and the first that he has had to tip them back upright every time he feeds.  They aren't causing any real damages but they are definitely annoying the farmer. 

We saw something unusual in the steer yard this morning.  A squirrel!  We have rarely had squirrels come on to our yard, perhaps because they do just fine in the woods or because we have always had dogs or there is just enough distance between us and the woods that they just don't travel this direction.  Made us smile.

That is it.  Nothing terribly exciting going on other than the routine.  Bruce did mention that the corn is filling kernels and we could potentially be cutting seeding/hay next week if the weather cooperates.  The weather man is again mentioning heat and humidity in the same sentence for this week.  ugh : (

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