Friday, August 12, 2011


It has been really dry here.  For that reason the potato leaf hoppers have gotten out of control in our alfalfa fields since that is the weather they like.  Yesterday we had another first in the fact that we had our alfalfa seeding sprayed.  We don't like doing this but we can't have the seeding destroyed either.  With the dry weather the alfalfa crop is short so we sprayed in self defense.  This morning Joe was here and milked with Bruce and I got to stay in the house and cook!  During milking it clouded up and rained.  It wasn't much but it was moisture so we were pleased.  The sun came out and then later it clouded up and rained, this time a bit more but still not much.  We were still glad.  Tonight when we were ready to get the cows home it was thundering like crazy.  We had the cows in the barn and it started to pour, and then the wind blew and when it was all over we had 6/10 inch and we were thrilled!  Everything needed the moisture.  The pastures are not growing back like they should, the corn is just starting to fill ears and the alfalfa perhaps will grow a bit before we need to cut it.  It is funny how things look different.  If we had gotten that half inch in June we would have been sick at the thought.  Tonight seeing and listening to it rain was nothing short of magic : )

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