Sunday, December 18, 2011

Pleasant Day

This morning Bruce offered to milk himself so I could try to catch up in the house.  Wow did I appreciate it!  Domenic was here to do the miscellaneous feeding.  I went out when Bruce was nearly done to feed calves since I am taking milk from the pipeline.  As long as he made room for me to get calves in I brought the 4 oldest beef calves in.  As usual I filled a bottle with milk, and as usual they followed me in.  What was surprising was how big these guys were already and how easily distracted they were.  It was a different experience bringing them in compared to bringing in dairy calves.  Domenic helped me get the last 3 in after the first one got lost in the barn and went through the gutter and under a cow.  Needless to say, the cow got a bit excited but no one got hurt!  Bruce spent the afternoon getting the Christmas tree in and decorating part of it.  That made feeding start late but I was glad he took on that project so I could do other things.  I am getting closer to ready for our company to arrive.  In the meantime, tomorrow everything will be on hold since its a work day in town.

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