Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Business Of The Day

The class III price for November has been announced as $19.07.  With a 2009 price of  $14.08 and a 2010 price of $15.44 one would think our contract of $17.71 would have been  pretty darned good.  As it stands we have again lost the opportunity of about $1000.  In the big picture $17.71 is pretty darned good.  The 15 year high was in 2007 at $19.22 with the low being in 2000 for $8.57.

Ed was going to the dealership that had our tractor parts today so that saved Bruce a trip. To identify what parts he needed for our tractor Bruce gave them the serial number.  For reasons no one knows the part we need doesn't match the part listed in their manual so in the end we ended up with the wrong one.  We were just about ready to head to the barn when someone knocked at the door.  It was the parts guy who works there but lives about 18 miles from us!  Nice : )  The parts will cost $235 but Bruce will install it himself.  Last week I was looking at the books and in the first 6 months has $23,000 in repairs, compared to $5,100 for the last half of the year. Thank heavens things have gotten back to normal!!!

This morning we had the tennant in the house next door come and see what we do.  He would like some hours if we have them available in addition to his full time job in town.  He is originally from Florida so at this point he thinks he is going to freeze to death, and Bruce spent some time explaining how to dress for winter in Wisconsin. It would be nice to have someone come about 3 hours a day to do odd jobs for us.  Time will tell how it all works out.  Earlier this fall I sent out an email to anyone I knew connected with agriculture asking if anyone knew of someone interested in part time farm work.  I did get one suggestion but more people just said "good luck".  Finding someone with an interest in working with cattle  is difficult but finding someone to work the odd hours that come with dairy cattle is becoming impossible.

Bruce cleaned pens in the barn today.  Ed hauled 8 old stacks and bedded the yard at his place along with the steers here, and eventually the pens that Bruce got cleaned.  Today the highs were in the 30's and it's feeling more like winter every day. 

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