Sunday, December 11, 2011

Calving #11...7 to go

The day started very early with a bathroom run and camera check at 1:50 this morning.  Sure enough, there was a new calf that needed to be tended to so I threw on some clothes and went out.  During the night the details are kept pretty simple, make sure the calf is in a safe place and that it has its roto coronavirus. I was crawling back into bed at 2:10 but unlike Bruce, who can be asleep in 10 min, I tend to toss and turn after getting chilled.  I have to say, it was a beautiful night for a walk.  Clear skies, full moon and cold, but not snowing or icing or anything else winter is capable of dishing out.

Domenic came and fed calves and steers this morning.  Feeding in general went much better this morning than it did yesterday.  I started milking and Bruce set the clean hutches in place, and when Domenic was done mixing he went and got some chopped corn  fodder and bedded them.  Of course a fresh heifer means we have a special needs cow again so Bruce milked her and her calf got fed and moved into a hutch.  This afternoon we had tickets to a Christmas show, ate supper and then returned home and caught the end of the packer game.  Milking went pretty smoothly tonight but we have udders that warn us that this quiet will not last long and we could easily have 5 calves at any time.

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