Thursday-We had decided to sell a cull cow and also a couple of finished steers so the first event (after feeding) was to sort out 2 steers and put them in the holding pen. Mike was excited we were doing something but not really happy that he had to stay in the feed bunk and watch. When we were done Bruce mentioned that Ed had already been over and offered to stack whenever Bruce was ready. The tractor window was here but Bruce hadn't had a chance to put it in, and there was no way anyone would be comfortable stacking without a back window. I suggested I start milking myself and Bruce should go and put the window in so Ed could get going. Bruce returned when I was about half done milking and Ed had driven out with a tractor that had a new window, a full tank of diesel, oil checked and the stacker completely greased. Milking feels like it takes forever these days with the 2 special needs cows, and added to that, we have finally figured out who was making our somatic cell count go up. Since we were unable to sell them until next week we decided to milk them last and dump their milk. Before Bruce got the last 2 milked the trucker was here so he stopped and loaded the animals and then continued milking. By the time we managed to eat breakfast at 11, Bruce had already put in a 4 hour work day. He went out to rake and by mid afternoon it started to snow or rain. He came in at 3 to check the forecast and realized that the rest of the stacking could wait a day. Dinner time came at 3, after which it was time to start feeding again. Bruce arrived at the barn to find a heifer had freshened. We have 3 heifers that look like they will calve any day, and although they are all due soon, this one wasn't even on our watch list. Bruce had gotten a call from Keith that he would be coming early Friday so the steer yard not only had to be cleaned, the corral panels had to be removed and the posts had to be relocated and a fence attached so we could keep the steers away from their equipment. He also bedded that area with a new stack so the steers would spend their time in the new area. We tested milk so milking started at a reasonable time. By the time Bruce got done milking 3 special needs cows plus the 2 we are waiting to sell, along with putting the new calf in the hutch, supper was at 11 p.m.! Currently life is beyond ridiculous with cropping, calving and winter about to collide!
Friday-Bruce mixed feed and then went to get the steel he had in the shed to repair our barn roof. He has had all the materials he needed for quite some time but hadn't managed to create spare time to work on it. Keith (the contractor) was here when he got back. Mike was excited to move the steers into their new holding pen, and Keith was pretty impressed to be able to just stand and watch. By the looks of things the steers had thoroughly enjoyed their new bedding over night which kept them away from the area the roofers would use, which of course kept that area clean. By the time we got the milking done Keith was loading up his equipment and ready to move on! One more thing off Bruce's list!!! Ed finished stacking what had been shredded and raked. There are a couple more strips that could be done but at this point we will see what the weather does. At this point Bruce is pretty sure we have 120 stacks so we will have plenty to bed everyone with. As of tonight our 2011 cropping/harvesting season is complete! Bruce put the wheel bearings in the dump trailer and removed the temporary ramp by the harvestore. Already there is frost in the pile so it is certainly time. Tonight Bruce had the choice to feed the steers in their current groups or move them together. They are all on full ration now so we decided it wouldn't take any longer to move them than feed them. Mike was excited about moving something!!!! The most complicated group was in the lower building so Mike had to bring them up the driveway and then make sure they turned into the yard. As usual, a few went the wrong way. This always makes the whole process more fun for Mike. Tonight our DA heifer seems to be picking at her feed better. She looks bright but tends to be one of the "poor me" animals. When they feel sorry for themselves you can only do so much so we are glad to see she is making an effort tonight. I asked Bruce today if he was excited to have the roof repairs off his list. He said "YES" followed by "now, instead of being 3 weeks and 3 days behind I am only 3 weeks behind"! He has been putting in ridiculously long days. Hopefully we can settle into a more normal (whatever that is) routine soon : )
screenings, delivered so Bruce could make a temporary ramp |
This is how it works when its in place
Today the ramp left. There is about 4 inches of frost in it already! |
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