Friday, December 9, 2011


Today it has been cold.  We shouldn't complain that the first 24 hours of below freezing waited until 9 days into December to come.  Tonight it is 10 degrees and a nearly full moon and clear skies.  Brrrr

Domenic came and mixed feed again.  Bruce helped through most of milking with a couple short breaks to explain or demonstrate something.  After milking I had a work day in town and Bruce and Ed hauled manure.  They decided to try to spread the pile that they made during the summer when everywhere was under crops.  Bruce ran the skid steer and Bruce spread.  It was cold out so Bruce had the truck there so he could get in out of the cold.  The skid steer is supposed to have side windows to block the wind this time of year but Bruce hasn't gotten around to putting them in yet.  It seems every year he gets darned cold and then he gets it done.

We have card party tonight.  We also have 5 heifers with udders that look like they can have their calves any minute, but they are still waiting.  We have no special needs cows. Joe was able to come and help milk tonight.  We got an early start.  Bruce had to climb the silo once when he was feeding but the problem was an easy fix.  There is something very very unusual going on.  We have farm  cooperation and a place to go.  We will check the barn when we get home.......

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