Tuesday, October 25, 2011


The plan for the day was to open the corn silage silo at Ed's and start feeding cows out of there.  Bruce took the plastic cover off and Ed helped run the cable and unloader down to the silage. After repositioning the unloader so it was ready to feed Bruce realized that when he turned it on nothing happened. Bruce called Ed, who had gone in to eat lunch so he could get started combining, and he said a breaker needed to be turned on in another box. After they turned it on there was still nothing. After lunch Bruce replaced the breaker assuming it was the problem but still nothing.  Bruce then went home and got another breaker and replaced it a second time but still nothing. He had already checked the cord and the motor reset so he called the electrician.  It was fairly late in the day so he will come tomorrow to figure out what is going on.  The suspicion is that, because it hasn't been used for many months, the contacters are either sticky or possibly full of asian lady beetles.

It is official!  I am done with the garden produce.  I canned the last of the tomatoes and froze the peppers today.  We will make applesauce but that can wait until later since we have a cold room to store stuff in.  It was nice to reclaim my kitchen by taking all the kettles and canning equipment downstairs and putting it back on the shelves where I store it. 

Bruce is hearing reports of moisture tests on corn.  The numbers have been anywhere from 14% to 31%.  Things that contribute to these numbers are the variety of corn, the days to maturity and how early or late it got planted.  Bruce says some of ours is testing at 27% but it isn't consistant.

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