Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Corn Chopping Done

I am this close to being done with the garden. 
Not pictured is the 20 butternut squash : )
Our tomato crop has been incredible!!!
Bruce chopped 2 loads of corn yesterday and then he climbed up the silo and watched as Ed ran it in.  It is never fun to unplug the pipe so if there was a problem he could have Ed stop.  The corn silage is now within a foot of the roof and will still settle some.  After leveling it off he covered it with a plastic silo cover so it can ferment.  The official tally is 23 acres filled 40 ft in our 20ft x 60ft silo and also Ed's 14ft x 50ft.  That leaves approximately 65 acres to shell and put in the harvestore.  One more job done!  Bruce picked the last of the garden produce with a forecast of frost.  Again we managed to stay warm enough, just barely, that nothing froze.

Today Bruce had to do some work on our corn storage bin.  Over time there is a build up of corn, mainly the fine particles, and it had gotten to the point that the corn wasn't feeding down like it should.  He got part of the bin cleaned but will continue working on it when he has more time.  Other than feeding everyone, the project for the day was mounting the new front 4 wheeler tires.  He was forced into doing it today because the old tires would no longer hold air.  Bruce is familiar with mounting tires but for some reason these tires gave him a challenge and he only got 1 mounted before it was time to feed tonight.  Joe came and helped milk and he and I started and then Bruce and Joe finished so I could feed my one calf and accomplish the rest of the things I needed to do.  The cows seem to be adjusting to the change of their routine with a nicer tank amount yesterday.  Hopefully that will improve some yet but we realize we are heading to the end of the season.

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