Monday, June 20, 2011


Foggy and dreary today.  Needless to say we will not be making hay any time soon.  Bruce had heifers to move around in the pastures today.  We sold the last of the steers from the bigger group so we won't have any more to sell until the end of the year or later.  Bruce also has one less group to feed.  We have now gotten through the most grueling part of our year and also our most expensive.  The problem with hay being drug out so long is we won't have much time between crops. Tonight while we were milking, our cow that was due 7/4 decided to have her calf.  That was nice of her to save us having to go get it in the pasture!  We actually got a heifer calf this time.

I was thinking this morning what I would have been writing if I had done this last year.  We had a very long cooperative spring.  Seeding went in the earliest ever.  Corn planting took about 4 days and first crop hay took 3 and we were done by Memorial Day.  According to our records, we would have spent exactly 1/4 of what we have this year on repairs.  Bruce always says, next year will be different!  No kidding : )

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