Saturday, June 25, 2011

Progress Without Rain

I thought maybe I would add a video of cows doing what they do.  It is interesting watching them pick what they will eat first and what they will leave until later. 

Bruce got the mower going today.  He took the carbeurator off and cleaned it and presto!  I don't think the mower has run this well in a long time and we managed to get all the lawn mowing caught up.  When Ed cut that hay that was down he spead it out wider than normal in the hopes that it would dry faster.  When we do this we then have to rake it over so the chopper will be able to pick it all up.  Bruce went out to rake hay with that plan in mind.  He didn't get very far and it was pretty obvious that the hay was starting to smell spoiled so he raked it as planned but then went out and chopped it back on the ground.  Ed spent the afternoon mowing the last 2 sections of pasture, and when he was done he continued chopping the hay back so Bruce could start feeding. All total we had to chop about 10 acres back.  We made progress today, in a strange way, by going backwards so we can now move forward. 

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