I swear we have gone from March to July in a weeks time. We slept with the windows open all night so our morning started with the sounds of a couple of cats fighting over by the barn. Our dogs have always been self appointed referee's in such situations so Bruce let Mike out and he ran over whoever was fighting and chased whoever ran away. Actually chased isn't accurate because if they stopped he would have too. He has never been a chaser, more like a "follow them very quickly to see where they are going" kind of dog. Just as we were going to start milking the neighbor called that a heifer was out. Bruce and the dog jumped on the 4 wheeler and were back in a short time. We let of all the cows out into the yard together this morning.While they were out I washed a section of the pipeline. I had hoped to do 20 stalls but my body thought 12 was enough and I was OK with that. We knew that getting the cows back in would be much more complicated today for a number of reasons. The first day they are out they tend to be confused and more cooperative. Today is the 3rd day for some of them so now they think they have everything figured out and make their own plans. Another reason we expected trouble is with everyone going out there were 2 choices of directions coming back in. Bruce directed traffic but we still had to help many of them figure out where they needed to go. The other complication is the fact that it is unusually hot and humid again today. They weren't impressed being outside and were in more of a hurry to get back in. The alleys get limed so they are less slippery but the concrete sweats and gets slippery anyway. We managed to get everyone where they belonged in a pretty decent amount of time, all things considered, but there are 2 major rules to remember on days like this. DO NOT work with your mouth open and don't lick your lips until you have looked in a mirror! When a cow falls in the gutter....well....lets just say there was a change of clothes involved after we were done : )
Today was the first move day for the heifers at the other place. Bruce was pleased that this group moved so easily since pasture is new to them. By the end of summer a group of heifers will follow him anywhere, knowing he always takes them to a better place to eat. There were 3 posts that needed replacing along the driveway so Bruce did that. That particular part of the fence was replaced probably 30 years ago and is the oldest on the farm. We have had random heavy but very short lived rain storms today. Bruce required a complete change of clothes after the first one that came through since he was at the other place on a 4 wheeler when it hit.
Mike isn't bored at all while Bruce fixes the fence. |
Our big tractor came home today! We are so excited to have that piece of our life back even though its too wet to do any work with it. The bill isn't totaled yet so we will just stick with being excited it's home and deal with the reality check when it arrives.
By the middle of this afternoon a couple storm systems had gone through and the humidity dropped and the wind blew for awhile. Bruce had gotten the mower belt on just as the second rain came thorough but with the weather change I actually got a chance to mow lawns so we look a little more civilized now.
The same animal was out at the other place during milking tonight. Sometimes there are random trouble makers who don't read the manual. Time will tell if this is one of them.
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