Friday, April 1, 2011

News From Sick Bay

Today has been incredibly exhausting but also very productive.  I will write more tomorrow but here is the update from our animal craziness.
--13-surgery cow.  Eating again.  Vet recommends another round of antibiotics.
--12-on and off feed for unexplained reasons.  She had been treated for mastitis after calving and is waiting for a passing drug test.
--11-aborted twins.  Was put on antibiotics given her situation guarantees an infection.  She is eating well and is also waiting for a passing drug test.
--57-mastitis cow now waiting for a passing drug test.
--21-off feed today.  Perhaps pneumonia or hardware.  She gets a magnet just in case its the latter.
--hutch calf-is off antibiotics.  Stands when she wants to on her own.  Drank everything from a bottle today.  Seems to be on the mend.
--55-still hanging around here since we didn't have time to deal with a trucking schedule this week.  Off feed yesterday, eating like crazy tonight.  (she seemed to want to die on us after she had the twins that later had infected joints
--heifer twin with joint infection is back on antibiotics.  Jury is still out whether she is salvageable
--Since there is a huge pen open after taking the animals to the other place the heifers that seem to be close to calving have been put in there.  Hopefully they won't do anything stupid with that much space.

The silo unloader broke tonight so Bruce is still feeding.  I am hoping he gets to bed yet today.  What a crazy life : )           The End.........

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