Monday, February 7, 2011 of rest...not!

This morning after milking I got the 3 calves that were in the hutches into the barn.  I just fill a bottle with milk, and since they have been drinking out of pails for awhile, they are excited about a nipple and will follow me anywhere.  Once they are in I feed them in pails as usual.  They are in a pen with a weaned heifer calf so that will work well.  I like starting them in groups of 4 in pens the size we have. Now that they are in the barn I can start heading them  into the next phase of eating including using a drinking cup.  Bruce spent the morning moving more snow.  One would think he would run out of snow to move pretty soon but today he moved the snow that had blown  in against the south side of the barn.  First he pulled it all away from the building and then used the snow blower to make another pile.  I can no longer see the road in that direction.  I convinced him to nap since it is Sunday but he is much like a kid and argued, then agreed to 1/2 hour and set a timer.  Today its really pretty warm (for Feb.) so he cleaned the back of the barn.  The forecast for the week ahead is really cold again.  There was no point in trying to take it anywhere since the fields are all blown shut so he used the skid steer and dumped it in a pile in our steer yard.  Atleast when it does thaw he will be able to reload it easily on concrete.  I bedded the hutches with corn fodder and took 3 bull calves out after getting their coats on.  The hutches too are getting deep.  We seem to be in a weather pattern that Sunday is the day to catch up before poorer weather.

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